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Mon - Fri 8:00 - 18:00 / Sunday 8:00 - 14:00
47 Bakery Street, London, UK

About Us

body & mind

Learn How to Program Yourself for Happiness

body & mind

Learn How to Program Yourself for Happiness

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Rojer Moore
Yoga Instructor

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Our Story

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Join Our Yoga Center for Retreats & Practice

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Adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.

My second new home! Love it and can’t live without it! Every day there are awesome events in the center, like different type of yoga, amazing deep meditations and many more.

An atmosphere of peace and serenity. Wonderful workout for the body. Thank you so much for training us!

I would recommend practioners at this center to all clients. They are perfect for your healing session or teaching session. They are great people to work and excellent trainers.

This is my weekly sanctuary from life’s stresses. Thank you so much for teaching us! Best yoga center ever.

I look forward to this class all week. No matter what kind of mood I have, the very minute I step into The Mandala Center, I change, I became the happiest person in the world!

Yoga has brought so much peace and joy into my life. Thank you so much for being here for us!

Sarah JamesonSarah JamesonHappy ClientAmy HitshemAmy HitshemYoga TeacherPiter MansonPiter MansonHappy Client
our leisure

We Offer Activities for Adults and Children

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